Saturday, May 3, 2008

Am I Crazy??!?

Ok, just a quickie here, a rhetorical question wrapped in confusion from my end.
Who else saw those charming photos of young Miley Cyrus ?

I mean, don't get my wrong, compositionally and lighting wise, the image is gorgeous and yes, Miley is a striking young lady...but I feel like the emphasis should have been placed more on the word 'Young'. I mean, stop me if I'm wrong, but I thought that 15 was a little young to be sexualized by a fashion magazine. Call me crazy....

And yes, I realize that we don't actually see any nipples or anything, but who in their right mind can look at that image and not immediately feel that gut punch of her tousled hair, naked back and sheet pulled 'demurely ' up to cover her chest? This is a child for crying out loud!
We have chosen her by public approval to make this girl one of our favorite role models for our young girls, girls who are about to embark on a very confusing journey through our already highly sexualized media jungle and we have just handed them a picture of their role model looking like she just had a really great role in the hay. Am I the only one who sees a slight imbalance?

And lets look at the current trends. We have 13 year old girls sending cell phone pictures of themselves naked to boys at school. We have 14 year olds setting up meetings with random males whom they've met on the internet who could be just about anyone. And to top off this great mess, we have now shown them a picture of their previously age appropriate role model, posing provocatively, basically naked. Should we really be shocked when they start sending similar images across the internet and text message world?

Don't get me wrong, I've done provocative photo shoots, however, I didn't even begin modeling until after 18. I also made decisions early on about what I would do and where I would draw my lines, somehow I don't think the Cyrus family went in planning to take topless shots....
I've also heard the argument in the past, (from pre-Federline fiasco Britney) that these girls shouldn't be expected to be living up to a position of role model because they are young, however, they (and their handlers or parents who are making the majority of the decisions) have chosen to follow a career path that places them in the limelight and as a result of that, they have to foresee that they will influence their audience and to not consider the impact is negligent and shortsighted.

I realize that it can be easier to pass judgment looking in from the outside, but this is just my two cents. Take it as you please, just a little rant from me....
Keep living healthy and happy lives, I'll try to be a little more positive next time ;)