Friday, August 15, 2008


Dun duh duh dun.........THE BODY TEMPLE has finally arrived!

The culmination of all of my research, studying and hard work has finally materialized, THE BODY TEMPLE, High Performance Personal Training Studio and Holistic Nutrition Counseling space is now open for business at
3287A Yonge St just north of the Lawrence subway station.

This blog has been a great place for me to sort my thoughts as we drew ever closer to opening THE BODY TEMPLE and I look forward to continuing this journey and these blog entries as the business grows.

My husband, Jon and I are are the sole proprietors but have brought in some of the most talented and highly touted fitness professionals in Toronto to teach our clients privately for a very reasonable fee. The pros include Christine Felstead, who is the creator and teacher of Yoga for Runners. We also have a number of well rounded trainers and instructors to offer everything a person could ever want in personal training and development.

SO, without further ado, I introduce you to the new owners and operators of THE BODY TEMPLE. Check out our website for more pictures and details.
